
Friday, September 6, 2013

College Life

Long time no see! I apologize for not posting a blog in a while, but I’ve been caught up with school these past few weeks. But I wanted to let you know how things were going nonetheless.

As I mentioned before, I began school a few weeks ago. The first day of college was terrible. I had so much anxiety and stress that I ended up giving myself such a bad headache, I almost threw up. All I could do was curl up in bed with a heating pad and cry. And really I'm just lucky enough to have a mother kind enough to make me a bowl of steaming, hot chicken noodle soup.

I think what caused me to stress out was my Freshman Seminar class. The teacher went on a tangent about how her class was going to be stress-free because all we were going to do was class discussions, group projects, and oral reports. Which is the very thing I tend to stress over.

The second I got home I dropped the class. I decided that I would just take the class next semester online, as it is a requirement.

Once that whole situation was over, college has been as awesome as everyone says it is (minus the food). There’s not really any gossip and for the most part, everyone is pretty chill, just minding their own business. It’s quite nice, like a breath of fresh air compared to all that caddy drama you experience in high school (well, I wasn’t really apart of, being the shy kid that I was—and still am).

Anyways, I feel like I have a lot more freedom this year. My schedule is very flexible considering I only have three classes on Mondays and Wednesdays and one class on Tuesdays and Thursdays with no classes on Fridays! Which leaves plenty of time for studying and hanging out with Ivey (she doesn’t have class on Fridays either so we usually hang out together on that day).

To sum everything up, I am madly in love with my life right now, and I don’t really see how it could get any better than this. I’ll let you know how things are going in about a week or two!



  1. Absolutely love this post, Savwivwi! :D Every bit of it is true! College is really like a much needed "breath of fresh air" after all of that high school nonsense... Especially senior year. No more drama, or people who think they're too good for us! No more cliques, and a lot more freedom.. I think I could do that! ;)
    And I do love me some Hang Out with Savannah Fridays! My life is pretty amazing right now as well since I have my best friend right beside me! :) Keep up the writing, woman! lol

    1. Thank you so much dearest Ivey! I feel like I've known you for years! Honestly, I'm glad I moved because frankly, I love you to death and couldn't imagine a life without you!
